My grandmothers were both actors, my grandfather was on my fathers side, my cousin is, I’ve been doing it since I was a child from 30-50 plays, 15-20 commercials, 4-5 training videos, a few short films, pilots, and hours and hours and hours of improv from training, practicing, and mostly performing every single week for hours for three to four years straight.
I’ve taken classes in college through till today just because being able to play ones emotions, mannerisms, mind, and entire human faculty like one is oneself a beautiful song or the reading of a lovely novel is what I consider some of the absolute height of human expression.
Have produced 5 albums, 3 which I stand behind, and your an stream and buy here, and Bonds of Recovery, a pilot episode for a series about the other side of addiction where people get better and find lifelong friendships that define them and better the world around them.